A Typical Session

8.45am or 12.20pm
This involves the children coming into the session and selecting a Chestnut tree card with their photo and name on it. They then hang it on the self-registration tree.
The manager or lead of session marks child on register and the children go directly into free play.
The children participate in an initial headcount and welcome song before continuing with their play.
Free play time
The children are free to explore the indoor and outdoor environments. Practitioners guide, steer and teach throughout the session.
Activities during this time are both adult and child initiated to ensure children have time to explore the environment independently but also have opportunities to think critically and extend their learning with adult support and guidance.
We provide a healthy snack, water and/or milk mid-session. We use this time as a valuable learning opportunity.

11.15am or 14.45pm
Tidy up time
All children are encouraged to join in with tidying up the activities before we move on to the next part of the session
11.30am or 15.00pm
Small group time & end of session
Children spend time with adults participating in planned activities, based around their interests and/or areas of development.
End of session group times vary in accordance with the children’s needs, but can focus on areas such as music and movement, phonics or maths to name just a few.